The most powerful of the MiR fleet of AMRs, the MiR1350 is compliant with the highest available robot standards making it superior in the market. The robust design enables you to maximize the efficiency of your logistics operations by efficiently moving extremely heavy loads automatically.
Specially designed pallet lifters give the MiR1350 the ability to pick-up, transport, and deliver pallets automatically. Optimize pallet transportation and improve your safety risk by replacing your traditional pallet lifters or trucks with the MiR1350 AMR.
Robust design for long life and easy serviceability
IP52 rated to withstand dirt and fluid when driving by open gates or other areas of high exposure
High payload for the transportation of heavy pallets and goods
Smooth and efficient navigation in dynamic environments
ISO3691-4, design based on present safety standards
Equipped with the newest laser-scanner technology for 360 degree vision for optimal safety


Our team of robotic specialists will work with you to find the best solution for your application, performing evaluations through proof-of-concept testing & time studies. We’ll help you select the ideal applications and then conduct simulations to test and demonstrate that the robot will meet your requirements.