The MiR250 is a flexible mobile robot that is simple to set up and can work around the clock for improved productivity. The smaller footprint and top module options help to optimize internal logistics without having to change your facility layout.
With a footprint of 31.5 x 22.8 inches and a height of only 11.8 inches, the MiR250 can still move an impressive 551 lbs making it the most agile AMR on the market. It can also drive in spaces as narrow as 31 inches so doors and elevators that are typically an obstacle for other mobile robots, are not a problem for the MiR250.
Smooth and efficient navigation even in dynamic environments
Robust design for long product life
Easy serviceability
ESD version available


Our team of robotic specialists will work with you to find the best solution for your application, performing evaluations through proof-of-concept testing & time studies. We’ll help you select the ideal applications and then conduct simulations to test and demonstrate that the robot will meet your requirements.